Once upon all the time, something challenging happens, followed by something amazing...

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Yin and Some Yang

I tend to be an extreme person...to me, lukewarm is not pleasing to the pallet.  I rarely find a middle ground, I'm all in or all out... black as night or snowy white.  As I continue on my journey and learn and grow, I find balance is one of my biggest struggles, in life and yoga.

In yoga it always amazes me how everyone in the room seems to just stand in tree pose like it's second nature as I squish my face and clinch my teeth attempting not to fall. Wheel pose, triangle, even crow have become easier, but class after class I dread the portion of balance I teeter my way through, shaking, falling and laughing at my predicament, wondering if I'll ever find my center.

Life is no different, I attempt to find a balance between my nomadic, gypsy ways, and my cancer side with it's domestic nature... between my hermit and my social butterfly... between my raw organic diet and in n out... between being right and being wrong... between having a plan and having faith.  I've realized the more I expand in one direction, the more I am pulled in the other as well, and the broader the spectrum, the more points there are to test when searching for this point of peace.

The thing is, as balance is found in one area, the other is redistributed, causing a shift and wobble there... but I've decided even balance needs a balance!  There needs to be that wobble or shift to recognize when balance is found... or lost. So as I sway on in my ongoing challenge of trying balance my divinity with my humanity, (and my tree pose), I allow myself some room to fall, wobble, and repeat as needed :-)

Today's Silver Lining:

"Yin yang, menos es más, (less is more), polos opuestos que nunca se juntan, (opposites that never meet), yin yang, vienen y van, (come and go), líneas paralelas que nunca se cruzan, ( parallel lines that never intersect), bien mal, (pretty bad), madera o metal, (wood or metal), puntos de vista que no se preguntan, (views that do not ask), tal cuál, (so what), azúcar o sal, (sugar or salt), los que se oyen pero no se escuchan, (the ones that are heard but themselves do not listen), yin yang, Eva y Adán, (Adam and Eve ), desequilibrio por una manzana, (disequilibrium with an apple)."  Yin Yang- by Jarabe De Palo

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