Once upon all the time, something challenging happens, followed by something amazing...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Secret Password

Gratitude, I just can't give enough of this stuff!!  The more I live with an attitude of gratitude, the more grateful I am.  I've become one of those people that used to drive me crazy with their positive outlook and a reason to be grateful for anything.  I owe them an apology, I get it now... and I'm so grateful I do, lol!!!

 I may have told this story before, but I'll tell it again!!  When I was in second grade at St. Mary's Catholic school, I received my first communion.  We went through a class learning about the story behind what was happening and reminding us what a big deal it was.  I don't remember what exactly they taught us during that month or so, but I do remember one thing that I learned that changed my life.  My teacher told us when we pray to remember to say thank you to God for all the things he's already given us, rather than just asking all the time.  Now this may seem simple, but until that point I honestly don't think I had ever thought of saying thank you to God... He was just supposed to be my magic genie, answer my prayers and let me in heaven for being such a good girl.  Now that I knew this it changed the way I prayed and eventually how I viewed life.  I started adding thank you to all of my prayers in the beginning for everything I had, and in the end for listening to me!!  I was now grateful when my prayers were answered, rather than just glad!!  Saying thank you to life and to people is such a powerful tool!

Something bothering you?  You want something else in your life?  Well what are you thankful for??  Go ahead and say thank you for something right now and see how good it feels!  'Thank you,' is like the 'Open Sesame,' to the door of life's abundance... it's the secret password to unlocking joy!  It gives you access to all of the goodness and flow that exists!!  It's more than just a saying, it's an attitude... to really cultivate an attitude of gratitude where you can constantly feel it, will change your life!  It keeps you focused on all the good things, thus bringing more of that into your life!!  When you are grateful to others it makes them want to do more of whatever it is they are doing!  Being thankful welcomes you into a whole new way of seeing life... it prevents us from expecting things, and instead enables us to begin accepting things, with gratitude of course!!

So go ahead and say Thank YOU to life, and "YOU'RE WELCOME" to all it has to offer!!

Today's Silver Lining:

"Life's been so good to me, Has it been good to you, Has it been everything , That you expected it to be, Was it as good for you , As it was good for me, And was it everything, That it was all set up to be, (Now is that gratitude)" Gratitude- by Oingo Boingo

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