Once upon all the time, something challenging happens, followed by something amazing...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fight, For You're Right

We all have dreams, some more than others... but they are pesky little things that keep showing up, whether we choose to pay attention or not.  We also have plans, ideas, and expectations about how we make our dreams come true.  Then there are those times where life takes over and things aren't happening as we dreamed they would...(pun intended!)  Things are tough, they don't make sense, how is anything we're doing now ever gonna get us to our dream?  This is when doubts set in, and we question if it's really worth it. 

Now it is these times that are our greatest blessings in disguise... if we decide it IS worth it... we fight, we won't give up, and each time we do this, we become recommitted to our dream!  If not, well, this is life's way of showing us that, and forcing us to let go and find something worth fighting for!  So many people with the biggest success stories, have volumes of their failures preceding them.  It takes passion, persistence and the will to keep fighting.  To really stay at the top of our game we need to let go of all the unnecessary residue in our lives so our passion can show through!  One of my favorite Chinese proverbs says:

“A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.”

All those tests and struggles we keep facing, are life's way of keeping us polished, and while the dirt or things that no longer serve us go away, the gem or our truth shines brighter from these moments of friction!  When you truly believe in something, it's worth fighting for no matter what science, popular belief, or your parents may say... keep your sparkle twinkling!!!  We are all different gems, each with our own qualities to share.

So, in case you thought I messed up my, your/you're up there in the title, no...that's not a typo... I mean keep fighting, for you are right!

Today's Silver Lining:
"You thought by now you'd be, So much better than you are.  You thought by now they'd see, That you had come so far.  And the pride inside their eyes, Would synchronize into a love you've never known, So much more than you've been shown.  Hold on, One more time with feeling, Try it again, Breathing's just a rhythm, Say it in your mind, Until you know that the words are right.  This is, why we, fight, This is, why, we fight."  One More Time With Feeling- by Regina Spektor

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