Once upon all the time, something challenging happens, followed by something amazing...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Life Lemons

I read a quote this morning in my daily word from Rev Run that said:
"When life hands you lemons, make guava juice and make em wonder how the hell you did it!"

Figuring out what to do with the 'lemons' that we are handed by life, has been a long running debate.  There have been many different ways created to make the most of these sour fruits we are handed, and there are many different perspectives on which approach to take.  Here are a few of them:

As I was reading through a bunch of the quotes I realized that I could think of someone I know who would use each one of these theories... and also that the one that seemed obvious to me wasn't listed anywhere.  There were lots about revenge or ways to use the lemons, but as I searched through, I never came across what I have found works best when life hands me lemons.

It made me realize how many ways there are to use these life lemons... so why is it that these lemons seem to inspire the feeling of victimization.  I get it, 'lemons' are challenges, struggles that life puts before us... but aren't those useful as well... aren't those what force us to get stronger, march onward, try harder, rework things and stay at the top of our game?  Lemons are versatile... and though they may be a bit 'sour' alone... they can transform into so many amazing things!

While there are so many things to do with these lemons we are handed... I have found there is no one perfect way to use the lemons... you have them to use however you please. Though it is nice to make lemonade, or even pie... life's lemons may come at times where they are needed for other things, so the way they are utilized will change... whether it's fish and chips you have, or a glass of water... only you can know what to do with your lemons when you get them.  Which leads me to my solution for this lemon situation... in my humble opinion, no matter what you do with the lemons...

"When life hands you lemons, SAY THANKYOU!"

I mean, it's only polite.  Life is giving us a gift, and although it may not be what we wanted, it's the thought that counts!  Besides, you may not use the lemons right away, or even love them at the moment... but you never know what they'll be used for down the road!

Today's Silver Lining:

"How bout getting off of these antibiotics, How bout stopping eating when I'm full up, How bout them transparent dangling carrots, How bout that ever elusive kudo, Thank you India, Thank you terror, Thank you disillusionment, Thank you frailty, Thank you consequence, Thank you thank you silence."  Thank You- by Alanis Morissette


  1. Loved it Laura, that was great. You sure have a gift in conveying your thoughts into words.
