Once upon all the time, something challenging happens, followed by something amazing...

Friday, January 6, 2017

I'm Having the Best Year EVERRRR!

Every year around this time I begin to look both backwards and forwards at once, and I somehow find myself feeling more aware of where I am now. Before the year ends I ask the same questions:

What have I done this year and what did I never manage to tick off my to do list?  

What do I want to do next year, and more importantly, how can I set myself up to actually do it?  

Last year I did this by going through my manifesting manifesto and starting the year off where I was, with the intention to bring in more of the goodness.  This year as I was taking inventory on the intense feelings brought up by 2016, I had a new thought... What if I made 2017 the best year ever?

Sounds pretty good, right?  I mean regardless of how last year was, having an even better one is always a great option.

So, what exactly does the best entail?

best: adjective ~ of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality.

This year I commit to choosing all the things that are the most excellent, effective, or desirable for me. I am curating the most epic 365 days I can.  I will continuously choose the things that are the best for me and the greatest good of this epic planet.

Not sure why I've never thought of this before, but pretty sure it is the best idea ever! I will wake up every morning like it is my very first Christmas and I can't wait to see how many mermaid treasures Santa left me under my rainbow. And on the days I don't feel like that when my alarm goes off, I will do whatever feels best at that moment. 

I am actively choosing ALL of the best things I can (especially thoughts!)... Going to the places that make me the happiest. Spending time with the people I love doing things that make us laugh until it hurts. Making the most effective choices, even if they aren't the easiest. Taking care of my body by feeding it the most nourishing foods and working out so that it feels as excellent as it can. Using my fancy dishes… All. Year. Long. Wearing only my favorite clothes, even to bed. Putting a note in my car that says: "Reminder: Listening to BeyoncĂ© > Road Rage.” (Just so we are all on the same page during the moments where traffic is the worst.) Paying attention to what I purchase and where it comes from to ensure it had the most desirable journey to me and came from a responsible place. Contributing to my community and supporting my tribe on the regular. Spending more time exploring and learning from this stunning earth we get to inhabit. Saying the nice things I feel inside about people, out loud to them, encouraging them, LOVING THEM.  Saying yes to love. (I love love. Love is the best.) 

And from moment to moment as the best changes? I will allow it to and say thank you as it keeps getting better. I figure, why not spend at least one entire year devoting my time to doing, being and becoming the very best in every way I can? Seriously, why not do all the very best things right now? What have I been waiting for? Who knows? Who cares? I am doing them NOW!

What about when something happens that isn't the most excellent, effective or desirable? In the moments that things feel shitty… I will make the best of shit. I will upgrade all of my silver linings to platinum. On my worst days, I will call in sick to work and wear my silky robe and order whatever I want from a delivery app, even though it costs more than it should when the place is next door, then I will eat it in bed while feeling whatever I need to feel to have the best, worst day ever. When I cry, I will allow myself to release the ugliest, deepest and most earth shattering sobs ever! Literally anytime something feels off, or unpleasant, I will do the best thing I can in that moment. I will honor it without identifying to it... And with that simple awareness it will already be better. 

Those challenges, setbacks and things that make me sad, mad or feel bad, will simply be a part of what is collectively the best year of my life and I will find the best ways of overcoming them. And the best part is - all of these things will eventually make me even better than my best! I mean, can I get a YAS QWEEN?! Will there be times that I will want to give up because this decision feels like the worst? I'm sure there will, but for this year, I will keep doing my best. 

There is a quote by Henry Ford that I often remind myself of: “Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you're right.” The mind is a powerful thing, and for this year mine is made up. I don't commit often. Contrary to popular belief it is not because I have a fear of it, but because I have a deep respect for it and when I do make a commitment I plan to honor it. I choose my choice. So when I say that I am going to do the best thing I can in each and every moment, you better believe I mean it whole heartedly!

My dearest 2017, thank you in advance. 7 has always been my favorite number, and 2+0+1+7= 10 which is the completion of a cycle and then 1+0 = 1, which is the beginning. Meaning it's even the best time to have the best year ever. (Look at this already being the best!) I look forward to living you up, embracing you and loving you more than I ever thought it was possible to love a year. 

This time next year, I very well may be looking back at you with a heart full of gratitude for how amazing you have been and also ahead to 2018, as I begin crafting my plan for whatever is bound to be even better than my best year. That's the best thing about the best, when put into action it becomes better. 
Better: verb ~ improve on or surpass 

So here's to making 2017 the best year ever. And getting even better, together.

All my best,

Silver Lining
"The best is yet to come, and won't that be fine. You think you've seen the sun, but you ain't seen it shine." - The Best Is Yet To Come lyrics by Carolyn Leigh

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