Once upon all the time, something challenging happens, followed by something amazing...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

When the Stars Align

Sometimes I can think so much, plan so much and work so hard to get to what I think I want... but then other times, I can just be... in the right place, at the right time, with everything I need.  It's times like that I realize that it's not that the stars suddenly aligned... but that I did.

Mental note... The stars are ALWAYS aligned... act accordingly.

Today's Silver Lining
"See the stars align, And you know it’s all for you, Down were you before, Now you come alive for this, There’s calm inside the storm, If you know just what you’re trying for, See what you could be, And you know you shine for me, why not now."  Stars Align- by Kaskade  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blah, Blah, Ah ha...

I was thinking about all the things people will tell you these days... from the president, to advertisers, to your friends.  It's so easy to tell people what you think they want to hear.  "This product will change your life," or, "I can change this country for the better," or the classic, "I'm so busy, next time for sure." It's rare however, that those things said are proven to be true.

I find myself doing that often times with life, the difference is, life is no sucker... it's not gonna buy the dreams I'm selling... life isn't listening, it's happening... based on what I DO.  I can talk about going to the gym as much as I want, but the only thing that is gonna get me in shape, is going.  There's a great story about a man who went to church everyday and prayed to win the lottery.  "Please God, Please, just let me win this week!"  He did this for years, and finally God replied, "Please, Please buy a ticket."

We want things to happen, to change, to amaze us, but at the end of the day, it is up to us to listen to what we are saying... and then do it!  We can't rely on words alone, the proof is in the pudding.  If I was to tell you that I could do 5 backflips in a row, you'd want to see me do it... otherwise, you wouldn't believe me... I hope!  It's the action that gives words value.  One of my favorite lessons from The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz, is, "Be impeccable with your word." Doing what you say creates trust.  Like the little boy who cried wolf... after so many times, no one believed him when there was a wolf, because his previous actions proved otherwise.

When we start listening to what we're saying and compare that to what we are doing... it's easy to see why things are or are not happening.  If there are things you keep telling yourself, or others, make them happen!  Like the old saying goes, "Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk."  And if you're enjoying the walk, why not run every now and again?!

Today's Silver Lining
"Saying "I love you", Is not the words I want to hear from you, It's not that I want you, Not to say, but if you, only knew how easy, It would be to show me how you feel, More than words, Is all you have to do to make it real, Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me, Cause I'd already know." More Than Words- by Extreme

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Use it or lose it

I know so many talented people out there, that have let fear get the best of them.  Bills, security, and judgement have become their master.  I watch as they try to convince themselves that what they're doing is the best option, because it is the most practical.  They create stories about how there is no way other things would work, and how those things they love to do, and were born to do, are silly.

I too have fallen into this trap.  I've given up my dreams for someone else's advice... luckily, my pesky little dreams won't let me forget them until they get the attention they deserve, regardless of how hard I try to ignore them.  It's still tough sometimes to listen to them though, even when I know they are right.  It's still a struggle to take risks and know how hard you may fall, because there's always that chance you may not be able to get back up.  What I have learned though, is that when you try, you'll always make it up somehow, but you'll never be able to answer the "what if's?" if you don't.

I read a quote today that said,

"It's not important what you have, it's important what you use."

I couldn't agree more.  You could have a golden ticket, but unless you use it to go to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, what good is it? (Oh man would I use that, btw!)  If you buy lots of veggies and eat out all week, they go bad. (guilty, workin on it! Yay!)  If you're a great writer, but never even write a letter, well... you get the point.  As the song goes, "Shake what your momma gave ya!"

So this week I'm adding a 'to use list' on my 'to do list', because on top of my veggies in the fridge, I also have clothes in my closet, and ideas in my head that have been sitting around for a while!

Today's Silver Lining

"I said hey, you, what-cha gonna do, Time's run out on you, Use it or lose it, Sweet time is it on my side?  I said hey hey hey hey hey, Better use it before you lose it, You better use it don't throw it away." Use It Or Lose It- by Motley Crue