Once upon all the time, something challenging happens, followed by something amazing...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just For Today

I had one heck of a morning all before 10am.  Missed my exit on the way to work.  Had to deal with silly drama... forgot to pay my meter because of that and got a ticket... Then slammed my already cut hand in the door causing it to burst open yet again.  Needless to say, my day was not off to the best start.  So first I cried for a minute... at work... then decided I needed to pull it together!  I remembered  5 principals of Reiki, which are:

Just for today, I release all worry.
Just for today, I release all anger.
Just for today, I shall earn my living with integrity.
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
Just for today, I will give thanks for all my many blessings.

So I figured just for today, I could do that... Just for today... And tomorrow I could see how I felt and go from there.  You see, I feel like just for a day, I can handle that... And when you start each day with that... one day turns in 2, which turns into a week... etc, until you're perfect... Ha, just kidding, but you get closer to that!  The idea behind this philosophy, is to get people to live in the moment, but for me, it helps me to feel like I can do it, so I can come back to the moment.  I have this little trick I do on the stair machine when I'm getting tired... where I look at how much time I have left and decide that I can do anything for a few minutes.  Fifteen minutes?  That's nothing, I can do anything that long.  This kind of does the same thing for me.  One day?  Ok, I can do anything for one day... even though at many points during that day, I may feel like I can't, I remind myself, "Just one day Laura, that's it!"

So now I feel much better.  I'm enjoying the cool ocean air, listening to the water, and smiling... because after all, I may as well enjoy all of these things while I'm practicing this, since it is for just one day ;)

Today's Silver Lining
"Some day somebody's gonna make you want to, Turn around and say goodbye, Until then baby are you going to let them, Hold you down and make you cry, Don't you know? Don't you know things can change, Things'll go your way, If you hold on for one more day.  Can you hold on for one more day? Things'll go your way, Hold on for one more day." Hold On- by Wilson Phillips

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What's Going On

So, it seems that things have been a bit messy lately for most people I've talked to, including myself.  Everyone seems to feel a bit of a disconnect, a bit off track or a bit frustrated.  A few people are searching for ways to change, sensing the need for it.  I've heard a few people blame it on Mercury retrograde, because this all started around then... but I can assure you that's not to blame this time.  There is a change going on, a shift... and according to what I've witnessed and been told, a major phase in that shift just happened.  So for those who wish to get a little clarity, here is a brief explanation in Laura talk of what just happened ;) 

The best way I've come up with in words to describe it is by using a yin and yang symbol.  Picture the symbol in your mind.  This is how we all viewed the world.  Things were black and white, but there was no separation.  They all existed as a unit... though we saw good and bad, black and white, right and wrong... they were a part of one whole that our perception could decipher.  We looked at the whole, and saw what we perceived in that moment.  What happened is that the symbol has now separated, so rather than being able to look at this whole, we now see things more as they are, and also the space between them.  So even though the balance is still there between the yin and yang, our perception of it has been heightened and we are now adjusting to that change.  It's like we just zoomed in on the symbol and now we notice a space between the two main parts which we didn't see before.  While it seemed easier to deal with things in the past because we had just this one thing to look at with no awareness of the space between, it will become easier once we adjust to this new awareness and realize that the same space that exists there, is all that exists between us and everything... And that space is actually still a part of what completes the whole.  I know this seems kind of esoteric and hard to understand in words, but as you start to see it in your experience, it makes more sense... kind of :)

It's taking a while for me to really wrap my head around, some days it makes total sense, and others I just want to stop the world and get off for a lil break... but I can already notice a greater understanding and acceptance of this new reality.  So be gentle with yourself, and breathe.  Your breath is the space between your past and your future... it is what keeps you balanced.  It is always happening whether we are trying or not.  It keeps us alive, and yet we rarely worry about if and how we will breathe, because we trust that it will happen.  So as we face this new space, it is good to remember that you can always come to your breath and use it as a reminder that everything necessary for our highest and best good will happen without any worry on our part if we just allow it to.  Just as we participate in breathing without getting frustrated or worried about if it's going the way we planned... we can participate in life and allow it to flow through us, and know that things will come and go, as air does, but the next breath will always be there when we need it... no matter what's going on in the space between :) 

Today's Silver Lining
"25 years of my life and still, Trying to get up that great big hill of hope, For a destination. I realized quickly when I knew I should, That the world was made for this, Brotherhood of man, For whatever that means.  And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed, Just to get it all out, what's in my head
And I, I'm feeling a little peculiar, And so I wake in the morning and I step, Outside and I take deep breath, And I get real high, And I scream to the top of my lungs, 'What's goin' on?"  What's Up- by 4 Non Blondes

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's the Big Idea?

I was listening to a Deepak Chopra CD this morning and he was speaking about intention.  He says it doesn't matter what we say or do, but our intention in doing it.  I started thinking about how a lot of times this affects not only what we say and do, but also how we interpret what others say and do.  Many times when we listen to people, we are not able to hear what they are saying because we only hear what we want.  Of course there's a great quote for that:

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." ~Anais Nin

It seems like everyone has their two cents for any given situation, and often it can be something that has more to do with them than you... And just knowing that is half the battle.  When people do or say things it is good to think of their intention, rather than your interpretation of it... What is their big idea?

For example, let's take my mom.  The woman loves me eternally, and so I know that her intention in telling me something or giving me advice is always coming from a place of love.  So lets pretend she tells me, "Laura, you really need to start working out more." Now it would be easy for me to think many things depending on how fat I feel that day, or how lazy I am.  Some possible thoughts based on my own stuff could be, "She thinks I'm fat," or "Who is she to tell me to work out?!"  Now what happens when I do that, is rather than getting the big idea from her, I am instead making myself angry.  And even though I will say it's her that's making me angry, rest assured that it's me.  Now, if I take a look at the big idea, based on her intention... I would realize it's something more along the lines of, "Laura, I love you and I feel better when I work out, so I want to make sure you feel as good as you can and also ensure you're taking care of yourself so you can live a long, healthy, marvelous life!" 

We could also look at the classic, "Do these jeans make me look fat?" Why a person asks has everything to do with how your answer will affect them.  So first think, what is the big idea behind this question for them?  Are they buying a new pair of jeans and looking for a pair that flatter them?  Are they having a rough day and in need of a little positive affirmation?  Are they putting you to the test?  If you look at the intention first, you realize that the question itself will change accordingly.  "Should I buy these?" "Do you think I look pretty?" "Are you a liar?"

Now this is, as most things are, easier said than done... especially when we're going through a tough situation, feeling vulnerable and everyone seems to keep telling us the same things we already know, yet can't seem to apply at the moment.  This has been happening to me lately.  At first my thoughts were something like this, "No shit Sherlock! Do you think I'm stupid?! Ooooooh, You're so wise because you figured out the obvious.  Take a look in the mirror, I could tell you a few things about your own life that you don't seem to know... I gotta go, BYE!"  Then I took a step back and realized, ya know what... those thoughts are not based on the big idea this person is trying to tell me, they are based on how I feel.  While I am frustrated with the situation, this person seeks to offer me some help because they care.  So now, I just try to listen as they tell me all the things they think I don't already know... because I know that their big idea (most of the time), is to make me feel better.  When I remember this my thoughts become, "Thank you for caring about how I feel and offering me your time and energy to help me through this challenge."  Sometimes just this little step can help us to see those big ideas that actually make us feel better than any words ever could, and If you see their intention as something a little more fabulous than it actually is, that's okay too... And that's my two cents ;)

Today's Silver Lining

"What's the big idea? Yo Mika! I said sucking too hard on your lollipop, Oh loves gonna get you down
I said sucking too hard on your lollipop, Oh, loves gonna get you down. I went walking with my momma one day, When she warned me what people say, Live your life until love is found, 'Cause loves gonna get you down. Take a look at the girl next door, She's a player and a downright bore
Jesus loves her but she wants more, Oh, bad girls get you down." Lollipop- by Mika

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Permanently Temporary

These days, it seems harder than ever to keep up with people, even though we're more connected than ever.  You have your digital friends, your work ones, your real ones, your family... all seeing "you" based on the combo of them.  All the while, everyone's trying to ask so many questions, and figure out "the answer"... so that they can have happiness ever after.  Happiness seems to be all the rage lately, and I'm learning more that this trend seems to be depleting happiness more than it enhances it!  I know people mean well, but there is no way someone else can answer your question... there is no way you can just learn happiness... you must experience it.  Happiness is not a place you get to, it is a habit... a daily practice.  It's great for people to spread it... but only you can make it happ(y)en.

So, who are you? What is the answer? Where I am going with this?... Well here.  You may read a quote today that inspires you and totally relates to where you are... or hear a song, or eat a hot dog, or hug a friend, or walk into a 7-11 and overhear 3 words that let you know what's up.  You may find "the answer" in any or all of these things... but the answer is relative to your question... and your question is in constant evolution... and so are you! So be the change! Allow yourself to be totally okay with whatever it is you feel now, and then when it changes... be that!  Be who you are... say what you feel... go where you choose, because there's a reason you want, think and feel all the things you do right now... and there's a reason everyone else does too!  So be patient with people and their brilliant ideas, and hopes, and quotes, and lessons, and changes in these things... because that is who they are now... and there is a reason you are a part of them now whether it registers or not... because now is as permanent as it is temporary :-)

Today's Silver Lining
"There was a time when my world was filled with darkness, darkness, darkness.  And I stopped dreaming now I'm supposed to fill it up with something, something , something. In your eyes I see the eyes of somebody I knew before long long long ago, But I'm still trying to make my mind up, Am I free or am I tied up?  I change shapes just to hide in this place but I'm still, I'm still an animal, Nobody knows it but me when I slip yeah I slip I'm still an animal."  Animal- by Mike Snow

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Seen As Is

I feel like I am in my own little Groundhog Day... A part of something that keeps happening over and over again... and I'm stuck until I get it right.  The thing is, I'm having a hard time changing anything in order for that to happen.  It's strange really. I know what's happening... I see the truth of the situation, but then I choose to keep responding the same way over and over, knowing I'm going to get the same result.  So the logical question would be, why don't I just do what needs to be done to change this cycle and move forward... to which I would answer, I don't know. One of the million quotes I call my favorite is, "The heart has reasons that reason cannot know." -- Pascal... And boy is my heart stubborn with it's unreasonable reasons.

In my head, when I'm thinking, planning and remembering the facts... it all seems to make sense.  I know what's been happening, what I need to do, why I need to do it, what will happen if I don't... but then, once the time comes and I'm in the moment, I can't help but feel again, and my heart comes in and does it's thing, and it's back to square one.  The beautiful thing of it all, is that right now, when I can write it all down, get it all out of my head, and see how it feels... it's absolutely perfect.  All the pain and repetition has it's place and has brought me here.  Every move my heart has made, has taught me something, and made it easier for my head to understand it. Right now, it seems silly that I ever thought that I could possibly do anything wrong... that I could make a move that wouldn't somehow lead me here... that anything could ever happen that isn't part of the master plan of my existence and evolution... right now it all seems the stars are perfectly aligned.  And it is right now, that I've realized the reason... because I can see them as they are, and not how I expect them to be ;-)

Today's Silver Lining
"Well hey, well that's the way it is. We gotta make a change... It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.  Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live and let's change the way we treat each other.  You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do what we gotta do, to survive."  Changes- by Tupac

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Perfect Timing

I look at some of the things in my life and think, "Wow, that happened at the perfect time."  I also look at somethings and wonder what would happen now if I was to do that again.  They say timing is everything... but I think everything is on time. We may wish things could just happen now, or that we could put life on hold sometimes... but as the saying goes,

"Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward."

Things may seem to happen at the worst time or the best time, but the fact of the matter is, they always happen at the perfect time.  Think back to some of the best stories you tell... they probably involve some unforeseen circumstance that at the time seemed like the end of the world, but now has all worked out.  If you look at the thing in your life that you would classify as the biggest disaster, disappointment, or heartbreak... you could probably stem 3 or more great things from that... Because it's all necessary.

It's just like baking a cake... the flour, raw eggs, salt, butter, sugar, baking soda, etc. don't taste so great on their own, nor would you want to indulge in many of them as they were... but... once they're all mixed up and popped in the oven for a while, they come out tasting like a dream!

Such is life my friends.  Cakes need a lot of boring flour to make up the consistency... we need a lot of seemingly boring stuff to make up our fluffy, yummy life.  When things seem to take to long, we have to trust that they're still not quite cooked yet. When we put things into perspective like that, and think of the universe, God, whatever you wanna call that force, as our baker... we have to trust that anything that's added into our lives is necessary for our recipe, that today's icky baking powder, is just a small ingredient in our delicious life... and that everything is being mixed, beaten and baked at the perfect time ;-)

Today's Silver Lining

"And in the daylight we can hitchhike to Maine, I hope that someday I’ll see without these frames, And in the daylight I don’t pick up my phone, ‘Cause in the daylight anywhere feels like home, I have five clocks in my life, And only one has the time right, I’ll just unplug it for today, I’ll just unplug it for today."  Daylight- by Matt and Kim

Monday, March 28, 2011

What Would You Do?

If I wrote a blog each hour, I would have a crazy spectrum of feelings, thoughts and beliefs... because in each moment things can change so much.  However, there are those certain things that seem to be consistent.  It is the core of your belief structure that the others stem from, so what's at your core?  I read a great quote by Wallace D. Wattles that says:

"Whatever you habitually think yourself to be, that you are. You must form, now, a greater and better habit; you must form a conception of yourself as a being of limitless power, and habitually think that you are that being.  It is the habitual, not the periodical thought that decides your destiny."

So if thoughts become things... it's those thoughts that you're always thinking, even without thinking, not the ones that just pop in for a quick visit.  It's those thoughts, because you believe them... and chances are you believe them because of some experience.  We have thoughts all the time that come and go, but when something happens that affects us, we tend to remember it more.  When we do things, and begin to see results, good or bad, we tend to believe them.  So, while you may have some thoughts that are silly at the time... it's what you do with them, that becomes believable.

Today's Silver Lining

"Ghosts in the photograph never lied to me.  I'd be all of that.  I'd be all of that.  A false memory would be everything. A denial my eliminent."  Take Me Somewhere Nice- by Mogwai

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What Do You Think?

It's amazing, the power of the mind.  The things it remembers, creates and destroys.  If we don't control it, it consumes us.  It makes up our world by what it thinks about... so it is up to us to make up our mind.

Everything we see, smell, touch, read, drive by, do... everything... goes straight to our head.  It is stored there with everything else, and filed away according to what else is up there.  So while sometimes we may not understand where thoughts come from, or how feelings can be so strong... we can be sure that it's something we put in our head at some point.  The good news is, we can all choose what we think.

Yes, it may be extremely difficult at times, but it is always entirely  possible.  When we are feeling off track, out of whack, or in a rut, we can put good things into our mind.  Now it may take some time for them to process through... the other hopeless thoughts may linger for a while, but when you are filling your head with how you want to be... well, you are.

Inspirational quotes, or sayings may seem silly at first, or awkward and hard to hear, but after a while... they start to become a part of your thoughts.  They start to become what you believe, so that who you are can keep on keepin on.  When you try to make a conscious effort to put good things into your head everyday, good thoughts are sure to follow .. At least that's what I think ;-)

Today's Silver Lining
"You know you're gold, you don't gotta worry none, Oasis child, born and so wild, Don't I know you better than the rest, All deception, all deception from you." Zebra- by Beach House

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Head of Your Class

It is challenging to be alive.  I don't care who you are, what you have or do, there is always something to overcome... but that's what reminds us we're still actively living .  It always seems that just when you start to feel like you've got it all figured out, something inevitably comes along that changes that... but that's a good thing.

Life is like school, once you learn something, you move on to the next.  First you learn numbers, then addition, then multiplication, then algebra... and so on.  Looking back from your algebra homework, the numbers seem so obvious.  If I was to point at the number 8 and ask you what number it is, you wouldn't think twice.  However, at one point, that would've been a tough one for you.  Now imagine if I tried to teach you that that was the #8.  You'd probably get annoyed, and bored... because you already know that.  Life is no different. We all have to start with the basics and keep learning and working our way to the harder stuff, and no matter how hard it gets... there's always harder stuff!  We all learn different lessons, at different speeds, but we're always learning.  Somethings may be harder for one person than the next... somethings may take years to fully understand... and there may be some lessons you never even make it to, in this lifetime anyway.  The point is, it's all part of the lesson plan we are assigned to.

 I was talking to a friend today who is feeling lost, frustrated, and hopeless... like things aren't getting better, that after all this time, life is still hard.  I myself have struggled with these same feelings.  Why do I feel like no matter what I do I'm still here?  Why is it that every time I feel like I finally get where I need to be, something happens?  What is it that will make me happy?  How do I get there?  Well... I am here, and so are you.

Wherever you are at this moment is exactly where you are supposed to be.   If you think someone else's plan is any easier... maybe they're still in 2nd grade and you're in college, but you can trust they're having to do their homework too! Whether you're struggling through a tough equation, or feeling good about an essay you just got an A+ on, you are in the middle of your lesson plan at all times.  I know it's hard to accept, especially when you feel like whatever lesson you're working on is one you've tried over and over and are about to give up on... but that's the thing about life's lessons... you can't give up until you get it... and you can't look at anyone else to compare notes, because we're all in our own class.

What you can do, is just know that you will get it eventually, and go easy on yourself... and others. You can tackle a little at a time, knowing that with each try, be it a failure or success, you're still learning.  You can take a break if you're tired of working on something, and clear your head by going on to something that you enjoy.  The difficult lesson will be there waiting, whether you like it or not ;-)  You can also be compassionate to others by accepting whatever lesson they're working on, rather than judging them... and helping them if you can. After all, even though our lessons are very different, we're all still learning!

Today's Silver Lining

"You went to school to learn girl, Things you never, never knew before, Like "I" before "E" except after "C", And why 2 plus 2 makes 4, Now, now, now, I'm gonna teach you, Teach you, teach you

All about love girl, All about love, Sit yourself down, take a seat, All you gotta do is repeat after me, A B C, It's easy as, 1 2 3, As simple as, do re mi."  ABC- by The Jackson 5

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Falling of Love

Sometimes in life love seems so strong, that there is no way we can imagine ever seeing it fall apart. Then things change, time passes and intentions fail. Before you know it, that which was once strong and new is weak and falling.

I experienced this over the weekend. The sign I have in my apartment, made up of the letters "L-O-V-E," kept falling down. It had been happening before, but I somehow managed to get the sticky part to stick again. Now however, I had lost the "L,O, & E" so all that was left was the V. That's when it hit me. Though I could restick the letters temporarily, they kept falling faster each time, and more frequently... if I wanted a different result I had to try something new. So I did. I went to the store and got new adhesives and replaced the old ones. Simple. And it worked.  The thing is... It's up to us to pick up the pieces and find a new way to make them stick, rather than to keep trying what isn't working anymore.  I don't know why it took me so long to just do what now seems so obvious.  Maybe because it was easier to just re-stick the letters real quick... Maybe because I didn't care enough to go and get something new... Or maybe because I thought that love isn't supposed to fall apart.

That's something I've learned more and more lately... often, it is only our old beliefs that keep us from new opportunities, or from making old ones last. We are so determined to keep trying to restick our love together over and over regardless of how many times we watch it fall, rather than take a new approach with something that works.  Things sometimes lose their stickiness, but if we care enough to do what it takes to make them stay put, and can simply try something different... we'll never have to lose hope when we see love fall apart.

Today's Silver Lining

"Say you gotta put the good with the bad, happy and the sad, So will u bring a better future than I had in the past, Oh Cause, I don't wanna make the same mistakes I did, I don't wanna fall back on my face again, Whoa, whoa, I'll admit it, I was scared to answer love's call, Whoa, whoa, and if it hits better make it worth the fall, (When it comes around), Sometimes love comes around, (Love comes around)
And it knocks you down, Just get back up, When it knocks you down."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Today Was Tomorrow Yesterday

"If not now, when?"

A quote that sounds all high and mighty, too profound for it's own good... but yet is oh so true.  I've been a procrastinator for most of my life, so I know how easy it is to put things off for the right moment, or until tomorrow... I also know that tomorrow never comes.  I look at so many things in my life that I have put in the hands of tomorrow, to realize they are now dreams of yesterday.

When I look at all the things we dream of in our tomorrows however, I realize what tomorrow is... hope.  Knowing that the sun can come out tomorrow, can give us the hope we need to get through today.  It gives us the inspiration to keep going, to get to that ray of hope we seek ... the thing is, what if the sun doesn't come out? Then what?

That's what I've been trying to figure out lately. When I was so excited yesterday because the sun was finally gonna come out tomorrow, and then today I'm still left in the grey, then what?  Well, what I discovered, is that while we can use tomorrow to inspire us... we cant have any expectations from it.  While tomorrow can supply hope for today, yesterday can supply wisdom for today, so you know how to handle any weather.  Rather than waiting for the sun to come out, take what you learned yesterday, and dance in the rain... with hope for tomorrow, but because it's today :-)

Today's Silver Lining
"Just thinkin' about tomorrow, Clears away the cobwebs, And the sorrow, 'Til there's none! When I'm stuck with a day, That's gray, And lonely, I just stick out my chin, And Grin, And Say, Oh! The sun'll come out tomorrow, So ya gotta hang on 'til tomorrow, Come what may."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Something Fishy

In life there are those dream jobs, places to live and people that we spend so much time drooling over and building up in our minds.  We think, "Once I get a new job, life will be paradise," or "If I could become famous, all the things I would do."  The thing I've learned, over and over again... is that often when those dreams become reality, we are not satisfied.  We are left looking to those things, waiting for the joy they are supposed to bring, and that is where the disappointment begins.
I had a recent reminder of this.  I had gotten what I thought was my dream job.  From my title, to my coworkers, to the job itself, there was nothing in this world I could think of that was more perfect.  I was so excited!  "This is it," I thought, "I have manifested my perfect life, and now I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor."  As I began my new job, I was still me, but as I began to look to it to make me happy and meet my expectations, I became less and less connected to me, and more and more disappointed.  Pretty soon, I was frustrated, and rather than doing MY best, I was doing the best I could in those circumstances.  Rather than staying true to myself, and my beliefs, I followed the crowd and did what they did at a detriment to my own well being.  Rather than stepping up and thinking outside of the box, I did what I needed each day... all the while waiting for my dream to step in and change things for the better..  By the end of it, I was disconnected and disappointed.  As I sat there looking at the ruins of my dream, I wondered, "Where did I go wrong?"
As I was reading a quote by Russell Simmons, it finally hit me.  
"Your purpose is to act on the resources God gives you. If God gives you a bucket of fish, you have to distribute those fish. If you don't, they're going to rot, attract a bunch of flies, and start stinking up your soul."

God had given me the fish, but rather than distributing them, I was busy celebrating them.  I kept staring hopefully at the bucket of fish waiting for them to do their job, when they were actually there for me to do mine.   Eventually, they did smell, and attract flies, then I had to get rid of them because they were only making things worse.  Rather than loving what I had by using it, I admired it and waited for it to love me... oppsie!

It is often easy to blame the things in our life for not making us happy, but when you look at it from this perspective, it is hard to blame the fish, for my lack of action.  Yes, the fish smelled, and attracted flies, but I kept the fish and watched as they rot, rather than putting them to use.  There is another quote from Russell Simmons that summed up what I took away from this:

"The key ingredient to any kind of happiness or success is to never give less than your best."

One of the four agreements as well, it's the simple act of giving your best, that feels good.  Your best, is not my best, or his best, or what something says is best... it's your natural state, and when you're doing it, you love it!  In fact, that's what love is, doing... not waiting.  When life gives you lemons, take em and do your thing with em.  Whether it's lemonade, a margarita, or a pie... use em up your way... but use them for something you love!  

So if something's getting a little fishy in your life, don't forget that it's up to you to do something to keep things fresh!  God can send us a bus, but it's up to us to get on it... And when you do get on the bus, don't forget to enjoy the ride on your way to the fish market! ;-)

Today's Silver Lining
"Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air, I know I can count on you, Sometimes I feel like saying, 'Lord I just don't care' But you've got the love I need to see me through, Sometimes it seems that the going is just too rough, And things go wrong no matter what I do, Now and then it seems that life is just too much, But you've got the love I need to see me through."  You've Got the Love- by Florence and the Machine

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sweeter Than a Spoonful of Sugar

According to Mary Poppins, "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down."  Well in my life I've certainly found things are much easier to handle with a little something good to accompany them.  A song, a friend, a cupcake, a silver lining, (hehe) ... adding a little sweetness to anything always makes it easier to swallow.  Yet somehow, in todays busy world, we often forget the power of a spoonful of sugar.

Amy Martin hasn't forgotten though... the founder of Digital Royalty is doing a cartwheel a day for 365 days as her daily dose of fun. 

 Alana Golob's daily sweetness is a heel click.  Taking the time everyday to do something to make you smile can really help with those tough times... So what's your daily dose?


There's a great quote by Aristotle that says, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."

When we make it a habit to treat ourselves to a dose of joy everyday, we become joyful!  So give it a shot, have a daily dance, moment of thanks, or high five... the options are endless, and so are the benefits... and that is sweeter than sugar!  (What's my daily dose?  Come back tomorrow and find out, yayuh!)

Today's Silver Lining

"Pick me up, oh, from the bottom, Up to the top, love, everyday, Pay no mind to taunts or advances, I take my chances on everyday, Left to right, Up and down, love, I push up love, love everyday, Jump in the mud, 
Get your hands dirty with, Love it up on everyday."  Everyday- by The Dave Matthews Band

This video is pretty awesome if you have time!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do What You Do

I read a great article today on how finding your passion is sometimes not the best practice in finding your career. It says that rather than stressing on trying to figure out a deep answer to the question of passion, look at what you do now.  Wow, what a simple, yet overlooked practice!  Here's the article if you're so inclined...


It's so often we are told to find our passion, look for a calling... but seldom are we ever reminded to take a look in the mirror.  I find this to be one of the most beneficial things one can do.  I remember when I graduated college, I got a bookmark that read, "Happiness is not getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you've got."  It always stuck with me.  If I wanted to be happy, I'd have to utilize whatever was given to me at the moment.  Whatever you have now, do now or see now, is everything you need... for now.  The way you view these things, use these things and invest these things will create what you have next.  Walking as far as we can today, will give us a better head-start for tomorrow... but there is no place you'll end up without taking steps to get there.  So where are you headed right now?

Sometimes it's easy to get caught looking only to the future, but when we stop to look at where we are now, it gives us a better idea of how to get there from here.  And when you look at what you do, it helps you to see how you got where you are... by doin that thing you do!

Today's Silver Lining

"You, Doin' that thing you do, Breaking my heart into a million pieces, Like you always do, And you, Don't mean to be cruel, You never even knew about the heartache, I've been going through 
Well I try and try to forget you girl, But it's just so hard to do, Every time you do that thing you do." That Thing You Do - by The Wonders

Thursday, February 24, 2011

When the Stars Align

Sometimes I can think so much, plan so much and work so hard to get to what I think I want... but then other times, I can just be... in the right place, at the right time, with everything I need.  It's times like that I realize that it's not that the stars suddenly aligned... but that I did.

Mental note... The stars are ALWAYS aligned... act accordingly.

Today's Silver Lining
"See the stars align, And you know it’s all for you, Down were you before, Now you come alive for this, There’s calm inside the storm, If you know just what you’re trying for, See what you could be, And you know you shine for me, why not now."  Stars Align- by Kaskade  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blah, Blah, Ah ha...

I was thinking about all the things people will tell you these days... from the president, to advertisers, to your friends.  It's so easy to tell people what you think they want to hear.  "This product will change your life," or, "I can change this country for the better," or the classic, "I'm so busy, next time for sure." It's rare however, that those things said are proven to be true.

I find myself doing that often times with life, the difference is, life is no sucker... it's not gonna buy the dreams I'm selling... life isn't listening, it's happening... based on what I DO.  I can talk about going to the gym as much as I want, but the only thing that is gonna get me in shape, is going.  There's a great story about a man who went to church everyday and prayed to win the lottery.  "Please God, Please, just let me win this week!"  He did this for years, and finally God replied, "Please, Please buy a ticket."

We want things to happen, to change, to amaze us, but at the end of the day, it is up to us to listen to what we are saying... and then do it!  We can't rely on words alone, the proof is in the pudding.  If I was to tell you that I could do 5 backflips in a row, you'd want to see me do it... otherwise, you wouldn't believe me... I hope!  It's the action that gives words value.  One of my favorite lessons from The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz, is, "Be impeccable with your word." Doing what you say creates trust.  Like the little boy who cried wolf... after so many times, no one believed him when there was a wolf, because his previous actions proved otherwise.

When we start listening to what we're saying and compare that to what we are doing... it's easy to see why things are or are not happening.  If there are things you keep telling yourself, or others, make them happen!  Like the old saying goes, "Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk."  And if you're enjoying the walk, why not run every now and again?!

Today's Silver Lining
"Saying "I love you", Is not the words I want to hear from you, It's not that I want you, Not to say, but if you, only knew how easy, It would be to show me how you feel, More than words, Is all you have to do to make it real, Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me, Cause I'd already know." More Than Words- by Extreme

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Use it or lose it

I know so many talented people out there, that have let fear get the best of them.  Bills, security, and judgement have become their master.  I watch as they try to convince themselves that what they're doing is the best option, because it is the most practical.  They create stories about how there is no way other things would work, and how those things they love to do, and were born to do, are silly.

I too have fallen into this trap.  I've given up my dreams for someone else's advice... luckily, my pesky little dreams won't let me forget them until they get the attention they deserve, regardless of how hard I try to ignore them.  It's still tough sometimes to listen to them though, even when I know they are right.  It's still a struggle to take risks and know how hard you may fall, because there's always that chance you may not be able to get back up.  What I have learned though, is that when you try, you'll always make it up somehow, but you'll never be able to answer the "what if's?" if you don't.

I read a quote today that said,

"It's not important what you have, it's important what you use."

I couldn't agree more.  You could have a golden ticket, but unless you use it to go to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, what good is it? (Oh man would I use that, btw!)  If you buy lots of veggies and eat out all week, they go bad. (guilty, workin on it! Yay!)  If you're a great writer, but never even write a letter, well... you get the point.  As the song goes, "Shake what your momma gave ya!"

So this week I'm adding a 'to use list' on my 'to do list', because on top of my veggies in the fridge, I also have clothes in my closet, and ideas in my head that have been sitting around for a while!

Today's Silver Lining

"I said hey, you, what-cha gonna do, Time's run out on you, Use it or lose it, Sweet time is it on my side?  I said hey hey hey hey hey, Better use it before you lose it, You better use it don't throw it away." Use It Or Lose It- by Motley Crue

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What's Love Got to Do With It

Love, sweet love.... the same love that creates fear, and then allows us to overcome it.  The same love that rocks our world, then breaks our heart.  The very love that makes us blissfully happy and then lost and hopeless. When we feel that love, we are happy...  people skip, hum, do things with the slightest of ease, and breeze by all shiny and new... smiles are sure to follow... as The Beatles say, "all you need is love."  There have been many studies done on happiness that show that no matter what people's end goal is in life, their motivation in having it is generally because they think it will make them happy.  Which me leads me to the question... when it comes to happiness... and what's love got to do with it?

Buddha says, "There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way." Well if happiness is the way... I say that love is the thing that keeps you moving.  So many times I've heard people wanting love, seeking love... but from my experience love can only be experienced, not held... it is not a noun, (for those of you who don't play madlibs, a noun is a person, place or thing), but a verb, (again, just incase, a verb is an action:-).  We cannot expect anything to make us happy, we can only do things which keep us happy.  When we look as it as a noun and try to hold it, we stand still, and often lose that love, as well as our happiness... but when we keep the wheels turning on the love train, we keep moving along on our happy way :-)

Today's Silver Lining
"What's love got to do, got to do with it, What's love but a sweet old fashioned notion, What's love got to do, got to do with it, Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken." What's Love Got To Do With It- By Tina Turner  

Friday, January 7, 2011

Why, Thank You

The more I choose to be thankful for, the more life seems to open its doors and welcome me in.  I meet people who seem to be exactly what I need in that moment.  I'm in the right place at the right time.  It's not that the things in my life have even changed that much, but there is a difference between having a life, and having a life you're grateful for.  And the more I am thankful for… the more I have to be thankful for. Life is full of the same things for everyone in different costumes.  Joys, sorrows, loses, gains, struggles, victories... but what makes some people enjoy things more than others, is the way they choose to view these things.  We can choose how we view our lives and react to our circumstance.  When things get tough, we can choose to learn from them and move on… or play victim.  When things are good, we can choose to enjoy and be grateful for the blessing, or worry about what's gonna happen next. 
Now I'm not saying you have to be grateful for everything that happens, (or maybe I am), but at least looking at everything in relation to it's place in the bigger picture.  You may not like going to the gym, but you'll probably like the results.  It's not easy to be thankful while watching a loved one suffer, but it makes you more grateful for them. Change is sometimes tough, but it enables new exciting things to happen.  To be grateful is to really value and embrace everything on the path of our life's journey, and that allows us to keep moving along.  Thank you is like the "Open Sesame," to the  secret door of life's abundance.  I try to wake up with one "thank-you" everyday, and have seen how welcome I am into a whole new world of possibilities!

Today's Silver Lining:

I drank too much last night, got bills to pay, my head just feels in pain, I missed the bus and, there'll be hell today, I'm late for work again, And even if I'm there, they'll all imply , that I, might not last the day, And then you call me and it's not so bad, it's not so bad and I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life, Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life. Thank You- by Dido 

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Mysterious Next

I'm always talking about how much I love change.  I embrace it good or bad.  It keeps me going, growing and feeling like I'm making progress... I don't however always have a smile on my face when I'm in the midst of it.  Especially during the dreaded stage of... "What next?"  I've probably been there more than most.  (In fact, for all of you digital socialites out there, if "what's next?" were a place on foursquare I'd be the mayor!)  However, even at the space in between I can't help but feel excited for what's next.

I've heard it many times before and often wondered it myself, "How do I know I'm doing the right thing?"  And every time I've ever done something, no matter what it was, it's lead me to realize that you can only do the right thing.  No matter what the outcome was, somehow, whatever step I took was exactly what I needed to get where I was; which is also a part of where I am now.  It's easy to look into the future and do something to try to get a certain result, then be disappointed when the expectation isn't met, but as I learned from Russell Simmons:

"Always focus on your effort, instead of the results of that effort."

Such great advice.  Just focusing on what can be done now. Life as it is.  Where it is.  Because it is. There's always another and, if, or, what, but for now, you can choose to live it. What's next?  Whatever happens once the next step is taken... but until then it is crucial to remember to keep strutting your stuff... Because no matter where you are now, if you're here, there's still another next to your what in life.

"Here is a test to find out whether your mission in life is complete. If you're alive, it isn't."~ Richard Bach

Today's Silver Lining:
"Welcome to your life, There's no turning back, Even while we sleep, We will find you, Acting on your best behavior, Turn your back on mother nature, Everybody wants to rule the world, It's my own design, It's my own remorse, Help me to decide, Help me make the most, Of freedom and of pleasure, Nothing ever lasts forever, Everybody wants to rule the world." Everybody Wants to Rule the World- by Tears for Fears